Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses Reputations Logos

These logos for the commercial version of the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses or DCC Reputations can be added to web pages. They differ from the DCC logos for DCC users.

The standard size logo can be displayed with
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG SRC="//com-dcc-logos.rhyolite.com/border.png"
	    ALT="DCC Reputations logo">
DCC Reputations logo
A version without a border for Web pages with other than white backgrounds can be displayed with
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG SRC="//com-dcc-logos.rhyolite.com/noborder.png"
	    ALT="DCC Reputations logo">
DCC Reputations logo
Large versions can be displayed with
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG SRC="//com-dcc-logos.rhyolite.com/large/border.png"
	    ALT="large DCC Reputations logo">
large DCC Reputations logo
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG SRC="//com-dcc-logos.rhyolite.com/large/noborder.png"
	    ALT="large DCC Reputations logo">
large DCC Reputations logo
Tiny, somewhat illegible versions can be displayed by adding HTML constraints to the image reference. It is best preserve the aspect ratio of the originals. The small originals are 96x39 pixels, so a tiny version like that on the bottom of this page can displayed with
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG SRC="//com-dcc-logos.rhyolite.com/border.png"
	    ALT="DCC Reputations logo" width="48" height="20">
DCC Reputations logo
Perhaps better results that change size as the size of the browser font is changed are obtained with
    <STYLE type="text/css">
	IMG.logo {width:6em; vertical-align:middle}
    <A HREF="//www.rhyolite.com/dcc/reputations.html">
	<IMG class=logo ALT="DCC Reputations logo"

Contact Vernon Schryver at vjs@rhyolite.com